I promised you all emo hair styles for girls, and here they are. hehe I know all you guys, not just emo guys, will like these emo chicks. they are all so pretty! if your looking for ideas for your new hair style, check them out! x0xoxo ashxxi dun noe if u can see it but her rose wing tattoo has a grenade in the center. it's really cool and I wish I had a picture of it after she had it colored in :-(
Emo stuff is my personal emo blog where I post emo hairstyles, photos, and other stuff. I don't know if I'm really emo or not, but i know emo boys are really really hottt and so are the emo girls.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Emo Girls Hair Styles
Posted By AsHxx
1:36 PM
Note to other girls: a big tattoo across the chest looks like chest hair. Yuck!
truee I don't like chest tattoos only on guys. hers is pretty cute though, but I do understand the chest hair thing
mm I'm going to trade my playboys for this site.
anyone else playing pocket pool?
whoa... ur rite. it DOES look like chest hair...
hehe lawls u guys but it does look kinda kute!
anyways the ast gals hairstyle is swell!!
wow awsome emo chicks are the prityist ever i wanna emo hair cut
why do all the cool emo hairstyles for girls have to be so short? i like long hair but i dont see any emo-dramatic long hairstyles...if there is any such thing :p
i like some of these hair cuts but there should be more with longer hair
i want more friends on myspace so add me myspace.com/ashlovespink12 lol but yeah i wanna get 1 of these hair cuts
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