Everyone loved the pictures of cute emo girls that I posted last week, and people kept emailing me to find out where to get more so they could either do weird stuff with them, or check out hair styles or get new fashion ideas. :-P jk. Here you all go! Oh, just click on the photos for the full version (if the is one of the image)Ya she really isn't that emo, but it's awesome photography! :-P
She is soo cute!
Okay, that's enough emo girls for one day! I'll post some more emo chicks next week, but until then, here are a couple cute guys and girls kissing:
Emo stuff is my personal emo blog where I post emo hairstyles, photos, and other stuff. I don't know if I'm really emo or not, but i know emo boys are really really hottt and so are the emo girls.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hot Emo Girls (Part 2)
Posted By AsHxx
12:16 PM
subscribed... hurry up with the next round
you should do a post about yourself with pics and stuff
haha she should post some pictures of herself
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