Emo Cartoons crack me up and the Emo Cartoon master in my eyes is jeff thomas. He has made many of the emo cartoons that you see on the web and his are definetly the funniest and most original. He draws cute little emo guys and emo girls and puts them in stereotypical emo situations. Though most of the cartoons seem to slam the emo generation, they are great none-the-less.
If anyone knows of any other good emoish cartoonists, let me know!
Here are a couple of jeff thomas's emo cartoons:
Emo stuff is my personal emo blog where I post emo hairstyles, photos, and other stuff. I don't know if I'm really emo or not, but i know emo boys are really really hottt and so are the emo girls.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Jeff Thomas Emo Cartoon
Posted By AsHxx
2:33 PM
wow I love these cartoons. does jeff thomas have a website??
ya he does.. http://www.azuzephre.net/ check it out there's some really cool cartoons there
Whoever You Are I Love THese Little Cartoons Of Yours! Keep It Up!
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